Man has always been very attached to his traditions and history. To have roots is to know where one comes from and who one is, to have an identity, a name.
Through Le Domaine Félicité, you will discover a real mine of cultural resources. It relates the life of the occupants of the island of Saint Barthelemy in their environment since the 17th century.
During a visit to the field, two centuries of history are revealed, combining a visit to the traditional huts and a stroll in a magnificent botanical garden.
This domain with its rich historical and cultural heritage required a big work from Alain and Arlette Magras. This brother and sister have taken this project to heart with the sole aim of sharing and perpetuating the history of Saint-Barth.
Thus, it is on nearly 4000 m2 that you will be able to learn and appreciate the many family anecdotes of the island.
All the stories told by the creators of the Domaine are precise and ardent. Ancient family objects or old everyday objects classified by theme (marine, agriculture, crafts, for the home, etc. …, period photos, urban plans, paintings, everything is there to make you dive back in time, as if you were there.
This superb project has generated many years of research and genealogical expertise.

The 28-hectare estate was acquired by Arlette and Alain’s grandfather in 1918.
At that time, these arid lands were only devoted to cultivation and breeding, life was difficult there.
Going even further back in time, we learn that the first house on this land was built by Mr. Johan Norderling (Swedish Governor) in 1820.
The name Félicité would even come from that time.
During these two centuries, four Swedish governors, two mayors and a family of merchants passed through the estate.

A visit to the Domaine Félicité’s garden is full of wonders and inspiration: you will discover the flora of the West Indies, with some common plants or less known endemic species.
The charm works on everyone, from the first steps you take as you walk through the garden. Indeed, the garden has more than 300 species of plants, trees and flowers, which will allow you to contemplate nature in all its splendor.
Among all these species, the most popular are the pink pear tree, the quenettier, and the bougainvillea, and the most spectacular is the cordia, red mapou, which was planted more than 200 years ago by Governor Johan Norderling himself.
When you step into the heart of this botanical garden, you will be pierced by the smells and carried away by the beauty of the flowers.

After walking through the incredible garden during your visit, you will discover the Creole huts, each one more colorful than the other.
It is in these beautiful traditional dwellings that you will find the different thematic rooms that relate all the subjects related to the Magras Family’s past and to St. Barths.

At the Domaine, in the “Salle des Métiers”, you will discover how to weave straw, the different ways to weave and the techniques to learn it.
Straw weaving is a tradition on the island of Saint-Barthélemy and it has made its reputation for more than a century. In fact, the women of the Corossol district are still famous today for perpetuating this ancient art.
The craft was very important on St Barth, it gave work to women for years.

There are extraordinary places that deserve to be discovered and this is the case of Domaine Félicité.
By venturing there, you will be able to discover both the history and tradition of the island but also an abundant and varied fauna and flora.
You will leave this unique and extraordinary place with your head full of emotions and memories.